Željko Milković
29.02.1960. — 24.11.2021.

Željko Milković

Poštovanom, dragom i neprežaljenom kolegi

Zamjeniku tajnika za plovidbu u Međunarodnoj komisiji za sliv rijeke Save.

Bila nam je čast poznavati te i zauvijek ćeš ostati u našim srcima.

Obitelji iskrena sućut.

Kolege i prijatelji iz Međunarodne komisije za sliv rijeke Save

  • Izražavam iskrenu sućut obitelji dragog kolege i suradnika pokojnog Željka Milković. Neka mu je laka Zemlja.

    Krešo Pandžić - 29/11/2021
  • My sincere condolences with the passing away of Željko. He was a great colleague and it was an honor and a pleasure to have met him.
    I appreciated his friendship and his warm personality. It is a great loss. I wish the family a lot of strength in these difficult times.
    Désirée Oen-European Commissio

    Désirée Oen - 29/11/2021
  • Iskrena sućut obitelji dragog prijatelja i kolege pokojnog Željka Milkovića. Počivao u miru božjem.

    Jerolima Pavlović - 29/11/2021
  • Najdublje suosjećanje i sućut Željkovim kolegama i obitelji. ICPDR će ga pamtiti kao izvanrednog stručnjaka i vrlo dobrog prijatelja.

    Ivan Zavadsky, izvršni tajnik u ime Tajništva i cijele obitelji ICPDR-a.

    Ivan Zavadsky - 29/11/2021
  • My condolences go to Željko’s family. A long-time colleague via projects, he was a person of integrity and character. He will be missed. I wish hi family the courage to overcome these trying times.

    Hélène Masliah-Gilkarov, ICPDR - 29/11/2021
  • On behalf of the whole team of the secretariat of the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine, I transmit our sincere condolences. Our thoughts are with Željko’s family and colleagues. We will remember him!

    Marc Daniel Heintz (ICPR) - 29/11/2021
  • Iskrena sućut i molim dragog Boga da mu otvori vrata raja, a njegovoj obitelji podari snagu da ovaj gubitak dostojno podnesu.

    Senad Oprašić - 29/11/2021
  • Iskrena sućut obitelji. Počivao u miru Božjem.

    Ivan Šuker - 29/11/2021
  • Iskrena sućut obitelji i kolegama dragog nam Željka! Pamtit ćemo ga po iznimnom trudu i predanosti poslu! Hvala mu!

    Branka Španiček, u ime WWF Adrije

    Branka Španiček - 29/11/2021
  • Iskreno saučešće Željkovoj porodici i bliskim saradnicima. Uzivali smo u razmeni poslovnih argumenata i životnih iskustava sa čovekom upečatljivog karaktera.
    Mirne reke, kapetane.

    Jasna i Ivan, Plovput, Beograd

    Ivan Mitrovic - 29/11/2021
  • Molim porodicu da primi moju najdublju sućut. Željko je bio predivan prijatelj i izvrstan suradnik.Godinama smo surađivali u Dunavskoj komisiji i zajedno s Melitom Žižanović osnovali Savsku komisiju. Nikad neću zaboraviti njegovu toplinu, duhovotost i lijepe trenutke koje smo proveli zajedno.

    mr.sc. Davor Pomykalo - opunomoćeni ministar (u miru) - 29/11/2021
  • Molim porodicu da primi moju najdublju sućut. Željko je bio predivan prijatelj i izvrstan suradnik.Godinama smo surađivali u Dunavskoj komisiji i zajedno s Melitom Žižanović osnovali Savsku komisiju. Nikad neću zaboraviti njegovu toplinu, duhovotost i lijepe trenutke koje smo proveli zajedno.

    mr.sc. Davor Pomykalo - opunomoćeni ministar (u miru), ex Acting Stalni predstavnik RH u Dunavskoj komisijistavnik - 29/11/2021
  • Z žalostjo v srcu smo prejeli vest o mnogo preranem odhodu spoštovanega Željka Milkovića, požrtvovalnega organizatorja obnove plovbe po reki Savi. S hvaležnostjo se ga bomo spominjali za nasvete in pomoč pri razvoju rečne plovbe. Iskreno sožalje družini, svojcem, prijateljem in sodelavcem ISRBC.

    Žarko Pregelj, svetovalec na Ministrstvu za infrastrukturo Republike Slovenije - 29/11/2021
  • Poslednji pozdrav dragom kolegi! Željkova blagost i spremnost na saradnju ostaje u secanju kolega.
    Dejan Trifunovic, DC Sec

    Dejan Trifunovic - 29/11/2021
  • Iskrena sućut obitelji Milković. Počivao u miru Božjem.

    Danko Biondić, Hrvatske vode

    DANKO BIONDIĆ - 30/11/2021
  • Iskreno saučešće porodici dragog kolege Željka. Neka mu je laka zemlja.
    Kolege iz LK Sremska Mitrovica

    Stevan Živanović - 30/11/2021
  • Saučešće porodici i kolegama preminulog Željka od Dragana Gavrilovića inspektora bazbednosti plovidbe iz Sremske Mitrovice.

    Dragan Gavrilović - 30/11/2021
  • My condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Željko. I will miss him as a very experienced expert and as a friend. It has always been a pleasure to work with him and to spend time together. We will always remember him. I wish the family strength to deal with the loss.

    Bernd Birklhuber - 30/11/2021
  • Duboko saučešće Savskoj komisiji povodom preranog odlaska kolege Željka. Bila mi je čast, jednako koliko i zadovoljstvo, sarađivati sa tako dobrim čovekom i stručnjakom.

    Saša Kulić - 30/11/2021
  • Poslednji pozdrav sjajnom kolegi i dragom prijatelju. Pamtiću te kroz divne uspomene i čuvati od zaborava. Porodici i kolegama iz Savske komisije iskreno saučešće.

    Ljubiša Mihajlović, Plovput - Beograd - 30/11/2021
  • Iskrena sućut obitelji Milković u povodu iznenadne smrti našeg Željka.
    kapetan Damir Simić

    Damir Simić - 30/11/2021
  • Please accept my sincere condolences.

    Olga Shirokova - 30/11/2021
  • Dragi prijatelju Željko ,otišao si, ali ćeš ostati u našim mislima, sjećanjima i srcima. Neka Ti je vječna slava i hvala.
    Cijenjenoj obitelji iskrena sućut,
    Boris Mesarić

    Boris Mesarić - 30/11/2021
  • Željkov prerani odlazak je nenadoknadivi gubitak za sve nas koji radimo u oblasti unutarnje plovidbe. Svima u bivšoj Agenciji za vodne puteve ostat će u najljepšem sjećanju. Iskrena sućut obitelji.

    Miroslav Ištuk - 30/11/2021
  • My deepest condolences to the family in this suddenly, very sad situation.
    It was an honour to have known him. He had a very nice personality. He was always polite and kind.
    I will remember him as long as I live.
    Annamária Bognár
    Secretary/Secretariat of the Danube Commission

    Annamária Bognár - 30/11/2021
  • Dragi Željko, hvala Ti na nesebičnoj podršci i prijateljstvu! Hvala Ti na svemu što si me naučio… Sava više nikada neće biti tako lijepe boje bez Tebe. Počivaj u miru kapetane. Obitelji iskrena sućut.

    Božana Matoš - 30/11/2021
  • Dragi prijatelj Željko,
    ne morem verjeti da si odplul … Željko, izjemen Človek in Prijatelj. Željko, zaslužni avtor napredka za sodobno plovbo po Savi in Donavi. Družini in vsem prijateljem izrekam iskreno sožalje. Pluj dragi moj prijatelj, pluj kapetan… Mitja Bricelj

    Mitja Bricelj - 30/11/2021
  • Posljednji pozdrav dragom kolegi Željku, a njegovoj obitelji iskrena sućut. Počivao u miru Božjem.
    Lučka uprava Slavonski Brod

    Marijana Drobnjak - 30/11/2021
  • On behalf of the secretariat of the International Commission for the Protection of the Odra River, I would like to send our sincere condolences to Željko’s family and colleagues. R.I.P Željko!

    Piotr Barański - 30/11/2021
  • Iskreno saućešće porodici Milković i kolegama. Bilo je zadovoljstvo saradjivati i učiti.

    Siniša Špegar - 30/11/2021
  • Poslednji pozdrav Željku. Iskreno saučešće porodici i kolegama iz Savske komisije.

    Gordana Špegar - 30/11/2021
  • Iskreno saučešće kolegama iz Savske komisije i Željkovoj porodici. Neka počiva u miru.
    Jasna Plavšić, Univerzitet u Beogradu

    Jasna Plavšić - 30/11/2021
  • Iskrena sućut obitelji dragog kolege Željka i kolegama u Savskoj komisiji. Pamtit ćemo Željka kao predanog stručnjaka, iznimnu osobu i nadasve kvalitetnog čovjeka. Plovi u miru nebeskim rijekama, dragi kapetane!

    Elizabeta Kos, ravnateljica Uprave vodnoga gospodarstva i zaštite mora, MINGOR

    Elizabeta Kos - 30/11/2021
  • It is with great sadness that I heard about Željko’s unexpected death. Though it is hard to imagine that he is not among us anymore, he has dropped his anchor in our hearts and memories. I’d like to extend my sympathy to the family and colleagues on the loss of Željko.

    Gert-Jan Muilerman - viadonau - 30/11/2021
  • It is with great sadness that I read about Željko’ passing away. My condolences go to his family. It was a pleasure working with him, particularly in the context of our market observation activities. I share all my support with his family. Laure. CCNR Sec

    Laure Roux - 30/11/2021
  • I would like to express our sincere condolences to Željko’s passing away. With him we lose not only one of the best navigation experts but also a humorous and close friend. We extend our deepest sympathy to his bereaved family and the colleagues from ISRBC.
    Manfred Seitz for the Danube Commission

    Manfred Seitz - 30/11/2021
  • On behalf of various Deltares colleagues I transmit our sincere condolences. Our thoughts are with Željko’s family and his colleagues within the ISRBC secretariat.

    Klaas-Jan van Heeringen - Deltares - 01/12/2021
  • I am deeply sorry to hear about the passing of Željko. My sincere condolences to his family, friends and colleagues in these difficult times.
    Raimund Mair, World Bank

    Raimund Mair - 01/12/2021
  • My condolences to Željko’s family. He was not only one of Europe’s most excellent navigation experts but also a fine colleague and a reliable friend. His integrity and humour were beneficial in every occasion where we cooperated. I will miss Željko, and I will keep him in honourable memory.

    Reinhard Vorderwinkler - 01/12/2021
  • I am deeply saddened by the passing of Željko. He was a great colleague and seasoned technical expert especially on navigation. My sincere condolences to his family, friends and colleagues at the ISRBC.

    Berina Uwimbabazi - 01/12/2021
  • I send my prayers and support to you and your family during this difficult time.

    Salih Karaarslan (EICB) - 02/12/2021
  • What a terribly sad message! We will miss Željko as a smart and diplomatic partner in Inland Navigation and even more as wonderful and humorous person! On behalf of the Austrian Supreme Shipping Authority, I transmit our sincere condolences.

    Vera Hofbauer - 02/12/2021
  • Poslednji pozdrav kapetanu i posvecenom prijatelju. Iskreno saučešće porodici, Ivana Kunc

    Ivana Kunc - 02/12/2021
  • On behalf of the Walloon Region, Belgium, I would like to express our heartfelt condolences to Željko’s family, friends and colleagues. Requiescat in pace.

    Jeremy Brulmans - 02/12/2021
  • We are very saddened to hear of the terrible loss of Željko, a fine and well-respected colleague whom we will miss dearly.
    We will remember him with fond memories.
    Our heartfelt sympathy and thoughts go to you, his family, friends and colleagues, in this very difficult time.

    Karin De Schepper, Inland Navigation Europe - 03/12/2021
  • My sincere condolences with the passing away of Željko. I have known Željko as a honest and hard working man, passionated about his job. I am very grateful I had the chance to work together with him. I’m sure he has given many people beautiful and unique memories that will never disappear.

    Ann-Sofie Pauwelyn - 03/12/2021
  • My sincere condolences to Željko’s family. He was a great colleague, a real captain. He had wonderful stories to tell from his life. And he was always very friendly, extremely helpful and very kind. I will miss him.

    Edith Hödl, ICPDR - 06/12/2021
  • My sincere condolences to the family and friends of the late mr. Milkovíc.
    His expertise and presence will be missed.

    Maxim Van den Bossche - 07/12/2021
  • On behalf of STC Group, we transmit our sincere condolences.
    Our thoughts are with Željko’s family and his colleagues from the Sava River Commission.
    In many IWT development projects like COMPETING, Platina3 and its predecessors Željko has made a significant contribution.

    Jan Smallegange - 08/12/2021
  • This is such sad news. Having known Željko when I was head of inland navigation policy at the European Commission I really appreciated him as a knowledgeable, cooperative and visionary colleague. On a personal level he was an endearing colleague. I send my sincere condolences to his family.

    Dimitrios Theologitis - 09/12/2021
  • Posebni ljudi žive u našim srcima i kad nisu pored nas.
    Ljubav ne prestaje odlaskom, ni sjećanje vremenom.
    Naše su misli uz vas.